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A Letter to My Daughter

My Dearest One,

This morning you woke up at 5:00 am, curls bouncing, mouth smiling, ready to start your day. This morning, your four-year-old self climbed out of bed and pitter-pattered to the kitchen, still dark, and sweetly asked for waffles and berries. As I prepared your breakfast, you sat on the couch flipping through one of your "comics" we borrowed from the library. I looked at you and wondered how it could be possible to be here, in this moment, with you.

At four years old, you have been present in this world for the same amount of time it took me to get through high school. That seemed to take forever, but four years with you has gone by in a second. Life before you seems like a dream. I close my eyes and look back, remembering those days, and realizing they were days of waiting and preparation. It took me a long time to know who I was, what I was made for, and your arrival solidified that sense of purpose and slid everything into place.

As I watch you now, at four-years-old, exploring your world and dreaming up others, there is so much I want to tell you, so much I want to prepare you for. Life is hard, my Sweet One, in fact, "hard" doesn't even begin to describe the trials you'll go through in this life. But, you are a force of nature, as wild as

the winds and rain, and you have it inside yourself to navigate this world, this life, and all its obstacles with grace and strength. My wish for you is the knowledge that you are stronger than whatever comes to pass; to know that you are worthy of every ounce of love, respect, and happiness this world has to offer; and that beauty and kindness are as magical in this world as the stars. Here are a few things I want you to remember.

1.) Take a shower every day. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, and take a minute each morning to make yourself feel special and beautiful.

2.) Always eat breakfast. A granola bar on the way out the door doesn't cut it. Wake up early and, after your shower, make yourself a delicious breakfast and eat it sitting down at the kitchen table with a tall glass of o

range juice and a cup of tea.

3.) Carry a good book around in your purse or backpack. You never know when you'll have a minute to escape this world and dash into another. Reading is better for your brain than scrolling endlessly through social media.

4.) Once a month, take a hike. I mean a good, long, muscle-straining, heart-pounding hike. It could be through the mountains, through the forest, on the beach, or anywhere else you'd like, but take a day once a month to bask in the glory of nature.

5.) Rainy days are the best days, not the worst. They are the days for curling up with a good book and a steaming cup of te

a or for going outside and splashing in puddles. Never get too old to splash in puddles.

6.) It's okay to cry, but when you're done, wipe yourself off and get back to work.

7.) Your happiness in this life is dependant entirely upon yourself. No one else is responsible for your highs and lows. You are the only person in control of how you respond to things. There is strength and power in that.

8.) When a problem becomes too hard or a trial too heavy, rise to meet it with your fist in the air, and if it's still too hard call us and w

e will help you.

9.) You will never be too old to come into the house and have a good cry on my lap. I will always be here waiting.

10.) You. Are. Worthy.

My Darling, you already have everything you need to succeed in this life. Your stubborn streak, curiosity, and ability to lead are gifts. I pray you always laugh with abandon. I pray you never forget where you come from and who loves you more than there are stars in the sky, fish in the sea, or birds in the air. If you remember these things, my Sweet One, and go into the world with the knowledge of who you are, you will triumph.

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